
042 111 327 667 | 042-37498293 | 042-37813471-4

Dr. Aqsa Ali

MPhil (Food and Human Nutrition)
Professor of Nutritionist
Farooq Hospital West Wood Branch
8am to 2pm


About Me

Aqsa Ali (Dietitian)
Professor of Nutritionist
MPhil (Food and Human Nutrition)

Dr. Aqsa Ali is the right diet has a tremendous impact on a person’s health. Whether you are trying to minimize the risk of disease, or are recovering from illness, Proper diet and nutrition play a major role.
Assistant Professor of Akhtar Saeed Medical College of Allied Health Science.
Farooq Hospital offers nutrition counseling on an inpatient or outpatient basis. A nutritionist is available to assess your eating habits and educate you on the best diet for your individual health needs.

• Heart diseases, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol
• Diabetes
• Cancer and cancer prevention
• Weight management, weight gain or weight loss
• Gastrointestinal and digestive order
• Optimal nutrition for growing children
• Women’s health issues (e.g. pregnancy, menopause and osteoporosis)
• Fatigue, depression, low energy
• Kidney disorder
• Compulsive eating disorder
• Food allergies and intolerances
• Healthy vegetarian eating
• Arthritis / autoimmune diseases